Carpet Cleaning Guides to Remove Tomato Sauce Stains

tomato sauce

Whether the stain is of tomato sauce, soup, or juice, it can give hard time to get cleaned. Letting even a lighter stain be on the carpet may make it look ugly. An effective carpet cleaning method to get rid of tomato sauce is necessary.

There are multiple hacks and cleaning methods to remove tomato stains. You will learn the most effective ones in this blog post. You may need to use more than one carpet cleaning methods to remove the stains completely. Sooner you clean it, better the results are. Even after using these cleaning hacks, the stains don’t leave then you will need the best carpet cleaning services.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Best carpet cleaning solution, if you are dealing with a stubborn stain, is hydrogen peroxide. Follow this cleaning guide:

  • Mix a cup of cold water into 2 spoon hydrogen peroxide
  • Cover the stain by pouring this cleaning solution
  • Fold a white towel and put it over it
  • Let it work for 10 minutes. Inspect to ensure the liquid is not changing the carpet colour and stain is still there
  • If after 10 minutes stain is not removed, let the towel be there for 10 more minutes and repeat the process
  • After 30 minutes, remove the towel from the area. Clean the area by grabbing another white towel. First, clean the carpet cleaning solution with clean water and then blot excess water with a dry towel

2. Club Soda

  • Spray club soda sparingly to cover the whole stained part of the carpet
  • Let it sit for two minutes
  • Take a wet sponge and blot the club soda
  • Take a white paper towel and blot the stained part again
  • If stain is still there, make the carpet cleaning solution by mixing liquid soap into one cup of water
  • Damp a cloth into this solution and dab the area to remove the stain. If dabbing is not effective, you can gently scrub it
  • After removing the tomato sauce stain, remove the excess carpet cleaning solution with a paper towel

3. Lemon

  • Cut a lemon into half
  • Rub this half lemon from outward to inward over the stained area. Be gentle and keep doing it until the stain is not diluted. If it is a fresh stain of tomato sauce, soup, or juice, it will be removed within this carpet cleaning step
  • If you still see the stain, rub some more and then leave it as it for some time
  • Pour cold water or water at room temperature over the stained area of the carpet. Do not make it too wet. All you need to do is, saturate the stained area
  • Take an absorbent cloth or a scrub and blot the water
  • Let the carpet dry

These are the top 3 carpet cleaning methods to remove tomato sauce stains. If any of these methods could not remove the stain completely, then this is the time to call a company that offers the Best Carpet Steam Cleaning and Dry Cleaning Services in Melbourne.

Contact Toms Carpet Cleaning Melbourne for same day carpet cleaning services. Call now on 1300 068 194.

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